Counterfeit cash for sale on Facebook

Seller ‘Micheal Cor’ provides the advice for free. “The fastest way to convert the fake money into real money is to go to a store like Subway, buy a sub, and give them a $100 bill, and they will give you $80 back. ” He advises not to try his funny money at a bank, but ATMs and locations where there are “minimum wage” workers who “won’t know” the money is fake.  This genius criminal idea comes on the heels of cop warnings of “prop” money being circulated in Ontario and New Brunswick.  $20 bills are the most common.

Cops say it plain; “It is an offence to recirculate a counterfeit bill. ” Do so and the penalties could dwarf the chump change you are trying steal. It is curious that FaceBook is fully incapable of slowing the illegal activity on it’s platform.

The 8 ways to identify a counterfeit bill:

  1. Texture
  2. Raised ink
  3. Small leaf transparent window
  4. Metallic portrait in the large transparent window
  1. Number value in the large transparent window
  2. Border of maple leaves around the large window
  3. Building illustrated in the large window
  4. Serial number