Becoming a Hells Angel

If one is interested in joining the Hells Angels, or any 1% motorcycle club (outlaw motorcycle gang — OMG) and are on the internet to figure out how, then you probably won’t be joining anytime soon.

Joining the Hells Angels is a lifetime commitment. If you do leave the club, or are kicked out, patches are returned as they are always club property. Refuse and they will be taken by force. This includes body ink and jewelry.
Number one on the list of OMG requirements is to have the ‘right’ personality, and that comes from your lifestyle. If you need to ask, you aren’t in that lifestyle. Basic requirements are;

•Have a driver’s license
•Own a working motorcycle – Harley Davidson or Buell exclusively
•Never have applied to be a police officer or prison guard
•Not be a child molester

Members MUST BE white and male. Outside America, some Hells Angels charters have looser race requirements. In the U.S. it is exclusively white only.

Phases of Membership – ‘The Program

1. Hang-around: Being a hang-around is the first stage. Most are invited by a club member, a friend or family member who is an OMG biker to an event. Members are constantly judging your character. A ‘hangaround’ always shows respect and will never interrupt members when they are talking. To become a hangaround without introduction from an existing member is difficult. It helps if you have skills the gang finds of use — usually criminal. If you get noticed, you will move up to be an associate.

2. Associate: The next step up is the associate, where you will spend up to a few more years attending events and meeting members. They will continue to evaluate you and you are still considered an outsider.

3. Prospect: A patch-wearing member of the OMG often needs to sponsor a prospect. The gang will generally run a background check including credit checks so the gang can verify a prospect’s identity as thoroughly as possible. Once you are a prospect you are allowed to attend more events, however you won’t vote on club matters and there will be some meetings that you are not allowed to attend. The prospect becomes the subject of jokes and is expected to do menial work like cleaning and guarding bikes. The prospect period is designed to make candidates prove loyalty to the club, which often includes committing crimes. Violence is often expected by the gang. The ultimate way for a prospect to prove his loyalty is through murder.

4. Fully Patched Member: The final step in the process. You will only reach this stage after a vote, which must be unanimous. It is the years of evaluations during the recruitment process that determine if you receive the votes required. Full-Patch, or being “patched” refers to the fact that the member has earned the right to wear patches, including the Hells Angel death head, the words “Hells Angels” on the top rocker, and the club location on the bottom rocker.

Hells Angels won’t go out together without their colors. If one HA is pulled over by cops, the group will often pull over. On a ride, there is a specific order. First is the president, then the road captain, and then the sergeant at arms, then the rest of the members and prospects. They pull over together to avoid disrupting this order.
Members can’t talk to the press and can never talk to the public about the club, rules or other members. The vest (cut) is sacred. If one Hells Angel gets arrested they will want to give the cut to another member. Protecting the colors applies to accidents and injuries that may require medical personnel to remove a vest or jacket.  Members are very sensitive to abuse of their colors. They are earned, and extremely valuable. Slapping an HA’s back, on the patch, may result in violence.

A ‘Filthy Few’ patch or tattoo is earned when a murder is committed for the club. A ‘Dequiallo’ patch or tattoo is earned by acting violently towards cops. ‘AFFA’ stands for Angels Forever, Forever Angels. The club’s colors are red and white. The ‘Big House Crew’ refers to members in jail. ’81’ represent the first two letters of the club.

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